Tag Archives: World War 2

Swiss Town to be evacuated for a decade | Thousands of tons of explosives underground from World War 2

So during WW2 the geniuses in the swiss military thought despite all the mountains their dumb country has that are in the middle of nowhere  “lets store 3500 tonnes of ammunition and 700 tonnes of explosives in the mountain that’s directly next to Mitholz the folks in that town are a bunch of losers anyway”…

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Catching up with Myron WW2 vet – Old People Friday

This week on Old People Friday we talk about Myron’s trip out of his small hometown of Swampscott, MA for the first time to go to South Carolina and join the Marine Corps. He talks about his long life of 92 years old (70 with his loving wife Roz). He talks about Death and how…

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