Category Archives: Martin Macfly
Deadpool Needs to Stop Being Funny
I’m sitting here watching the latest Deadpool trailer where the premise is that Deadpool is pretending to be Bob Ross and makes several out-of-the-ordinary, and at times absurd, comments to draw out laughter from its audience. Great. Cool. Good Job. Then, the trailer, OUT OF NOWHERE, shifts straight into action clips from the actual movie…
Girl Dresses as Whore for Halloween; Gets Accused of Going as ‘Sexy Witch’
The City of Salem is up in arms this morning as an out-of-town woman was spotted at several local drinking establishments dressed as a “Sexy Witch,” sending shockwaves of disrespect, anger, and disgust through the historic city. Confusion set in early Saturday evening as many locals who caught a glimpse of her, found themselves wondering…
Faulty Thinking: Why you have been Viewing Monday All Wrong
You’ve seen the memes with the girl burying her head in her hands with a large cup of coffee in front of her. “I hate Monday,” it reads in blatant negativity. You chuckle and hit the like button. Not me. I unfollow that lazy piece of shit and go chase after my dreams. What did…
The Gas Station Bathroom: A Slice Heaven on Earth
Ahhh, the gas station bathroom: A mysterious, magical world that I have never had the chance to experience in my entire life… that is, until two days ago when I found myself four iced coffees deep on a road trip to Washington D.C.. I said to myself, “What the heck. I’ll treat myself to a…
Hugh Hefner’s Life was Proof that Jerking Off is Healthy
I woke up this morning like the rest of you shocked, but not surprised, that Hugh Henfer met his fate at the ripe old age of 91. Reports stated that he died of natural causes. Again, not shocking. Why not shocking you ask? Hef’s life was subjective proof that the center of vitality and a long…
The Dating Game: Levels of Dating in a Millennial’s World
Millennials. What the fuck are you all doing? It is an ABSOLUTE shit show out there in your dating realm right now. Have you fallen victim to the dating hierarchy that has been established by your needy-impatient-instant-gratification-everyone-gets-a-trophy ecosystem? Have you come across “The Mad Swiper” who is preying on your hopes that a decent man exists…